Saturday, September 13, 2008

Bedroom Quick Change!

So, I've been getting a little bored with my current bedroom furniture arrangement. It has been 6 years in the same place, the only way it could be done because of the cable outlet. Well, a few months ago we decided to get rid of the TV in our bedroom. Late Tues afternoon by beloved GG stopped by for a visit. At 5:30 I casually mentioned that I may need her soon as I was thinking of rearranging the bedroom so that the bed was between the two windows....well 5 minutes later with our muscles flexed we were moving it around! It looked great minus the blank space over the bed. Well, you all know how much I love WORDS on the wall (home tour later on that!) and I was tired of my current wallhangings. Then I came across this great find at Stein Mart on friday ...pictured above....and so $19.99 and 10 minutes later I went from this...

to this! Note - It is not is just the photographer error.

I am quite familar with the vinyl lettering since I've done it in several places in my house. I usually order it online. But, Stein Mart had a large variety of sayings for all rooms in the house. It looks like it has been painted on and when you are tired you just peel it off!

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